Malthus on Overpopulation- Thomas Malthus was one of the first people to think that the world would face overpopulation problems.
Population Growth Versus Food Supply- Malthus thought that the human population increased exponetailly whereas the food production was linear. He thought that because of this the human population would exeed the production line and mass famine would kill a large percentage of people.
Debate on How to Reduce Natural Increase- many different people had differetn theories on Malthus's theory.
Higher Death Rates- Malthus said that the only ways that we would'nt have overpopulation would be if we restrained ourselves or death rates increased. He said that if there was a increase in death rates from disease, famine, and war then our population would be in check.
Declining Birth Rates- Others said that by moral restraint we could lower our birthrates. Now we have contraception which helps to lower the birthrate. The Distribution of contraceptives helps to lower the birthrates all over the world. It is thought that as long as economic development surpasses population growth than overpopulation is not a problem.Some countires or regions are in danger of running out of food due to the fact that their population is growing faster than their economy.
This article relates to Key Issue 4 because it talks about the Neomalthusian theory. The Neomalthusian theory states that economic growth must stay above population growth. Some of the LDCs are in danger of overpopulation and famine due to the fact that their population has a faster growth rate than their economy.
The world might face an overpopualtion problem due to the linear growth of food( Malthus) and bad economies and high growth rates( Neomalthusians)