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Key Issue 1

Population Concentration- Two- thirds of the world's population live in East, South, and Southeast Asia as well as Western Europe. Most of the peopel in these regions live near a body of water. They are in low lying fertile areas.
East Asia- 1/5 of the world's population lives in this region consisitng of China, Japan, the Koreas, and Taiwan. China is the world's largest country and the majority of its poulation are in rural areas near a body of water.

South Asia- 1/5 of the world's population live in South Asia. The coyuntries making up this region are India, Pakistan, Bangledesh, and Shr Lanka. India has the world's second largest poulation.

Southeast Asia- 4th highest population is in Southeast Asia. .5 billion people live in this region most on islands that lie in between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. 

Europe- 3rd highest population is in Europe. Four dozen countries make up this region. 3/4s of the populations live in urban areas. Import food and recources due to the fact that they don't make enough food. 

Eastern North America- This area has the highest population of people in North America. Most of whom live in urban areas not rural areas. A little over 2 percent of the world's population livwe here.

Sparsely Populated Regions-  There are many regions on Earth that are sparsely populated due to the envirmantal conditions. These areas are diminishing over time as people find new ways to live in once uninhabitable areas. 

Dry Lands- These are areas that are too dry for farming and they cover approximatley 20 percent of Earth's surface. This subgroup consists mainly of desserts and lack the amount of water need tyo grow crops. 

Wet Lands- Areas that substain high levels of rain may also be uninhabitable. These areas are located mainly in South America, Central Africa and Southeast Asia.The combonation of thier incredibally high rainfall and temperature drain nutrients making it hard to grow crops.

Cold Lands- The areas naer the poles are reffered to as cold lands due to the year round frost that covers them. These regions also recieve very low amounts of precipitation. These areas cannot sustain crops and can only support a few animals. 

High Lands- Not many people live in mountainous high land regions. These regions cannpt support agriculture very well so they have smaller populations. In some areas the high lands are highly populated due to the unfavorable conditions at lower elevations.

    Population Density- Can be shown in a variety of ways. Population is the nyumber of people living in one area of land.

Arithmetic Density- Total number of people divided by total land area. THis technique is used most frequently by geographers. This enables geographers to compare a regionsd density to other regions of the world. 

Physiological Density- Found by looking at the number of people per a certain type of land. For example arable is farmable land and the US has 172 people per square kilometer of arable land. Shows insight between population sizre and resource avalabiltiy. 

Agricultural Density- Is the comparison between farmers and arable land. This helps to account for economic differences between countries. MDC's normally have a lower agricultural density than LDC's due to technology. 

Demography-  the study of the change in population density. This relates to Key Issue 1 due to its relation to how population is spread throughout the world. 
Globalization- the slow uniformity of countries. As this increases countries will move torward urabn growth.
Overpopulation- to many people per area of land. As more people are created the amount of land that is open will be decreased, and in areas with high urban population this will be a problem.
Ecumene-prportion of Earth's surface that has a permanent settlement. This will inrease with population because more areas wiull need to be developed to house the new people. 


This article deals with Key Issue one. THis article deals with Key Issue one because it touches on the problem of overpopoulation. This was and is a problem in China due to its massive population. This led the Chinese government to create population laws that control China's population.  

In the world population is mainly distributed in Asia and the Western World( Europe and America)