Natural Increase- Percentage that a population grows in a year. It is computed by subracting the CBR from the CDR. The CBR is then Crude Birth Rate or how many people are born in a year. The CDR is the Crude Deathn Rate or how many people die in a year.
Crude Birth Rate- The CBR is then Crude Birth Rate or how many people are born per 1000 people in a year.
Crude Death Rate- The CDR is the Crude Death Rate or how many people die per 100 people in a year.
Natural Increase Rate- The percentage a population grows in a year. It is computed by subracting the CBR from the CDR. The CBR is then Crude Birth Rate or how many people are born in a year. The CDR is the Crude Deathn Rate or how many people die in a year. So if the CBR is 20 and the CDR is 5 (per thousand) than the NIR is 15 or 1.5%. Doubling Time is the amount of time needed to double a population and is affected by the NIR.
Fertility- Amount of children per women.
Total Fertility Rate- This is the aveergae number of births a women will have in her life. This shows the future of how women will change as the culture does. Can be compared to other parts of the world, for example the world TFR is 2.7 in sub-Saharan Africa it is over 6.
Mortaltiy- Amout of people who die.
Infant Mortality Rate- annual numbers of infant deaths ina population, compared to the births. THe highest rates of IM are in poor countries like sub-Saharan Africa. Reflects a countries health care in that counries with better health care have a lower IMR.
Life Expectancy- the average number of years a person will live. It is higher in Western Countries with better health care. European babies are predicted to live until their seventies while they will only live until their forties in sub- Saharan Africa.
This article relates to Key Issue 2 because it deals with population growth in sub-Saharan Africa. The population of this region goes up 3% each year in 23years it will double. This shows that they have a high rate of growth anfd a high NIR. THey could soon face the problems of overpopulation due to thier insanley fast increase rate.
The world's population has increased in most Africa, Asia,and Latin America.